Join the Dance!
🔗 Click here to jump to the free trial step
STEP 1: Create an account
Sign Up for a free account:

You will receive an email for verification:
Tip: Check spam folder if you can’t find it

STEP 2: Book a class
Go to Class Page to see available classes:
Tip: You can explore by age group or search by a keyword

Select a class:

Select an available time:

Enter student information:

Free trial for new families: ➤ New families get one free trial. No payment needed – just note down “trial class” at this step ➤ Wear sneakers, comfortable clothes, bring a water bottle, and arrive 5 minutes early ![]() |
Confirm booking:
Tip: We will explain “how to pay” at next step

STEP 3: How to pay (optional for trial class)
Check your credit balance in Account Page:
Tip: You are all set as long as your balance is positive. No other fees to worry about.

If balance is negative, purchase a credit package to refill:
Tip: Larger packages are cheaper per credit and have a further expiration date.

Need More Information?
Checkout the FAQ and instructors pages for details about our programs.
You can also connect with us on WeChat (ID: TingnaDance) and Instagram (@tingnadancestudio).